Supporting our school through Enterprise
At Treak Creations we are delighted to bring you a range of handmade products that are made in our workshop at Treak Community Centre just outside Siem Reap.
All of the products in our shop are made by the local people in Treak Village and the Manager of the Treak Community Centre - an NGO providing opportunities and not dependency for the local village.
We started to produce products to sell in our school shop in 2020 and hope that this will grow to try to provide another source of income to support our wonderful Community Centre at Treak.

We need and welcome volunteers to this special place, to teach our staff and children new skills and increase their ability, confidence, and self worth.

Either buy wholesale, individually or even buy a charitable donation such as uniforms to donate to the children here at Treak.
Let's here from Salin, our manager of Treak about her vision...